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Conservative Policy Action Endorses Riley Moore for U.S. Congress in West Virginia

March 19, 2024

Conservative Policy Action Endorses Riley Moore for U.S. Congress in West Virginia

Charleston, W. Va. – Conservative Policy Action, Inc., a federal 527 “super PAC” dedicated to promoting conservative candidates in the State of West Virginia, proudly announces its endorsement of Riley Moore for the United States Congress. With a proven track record of conservative leadership and dedication to West Virginia values, Moore is the ideal candidate to represent the interests of the people in Congress.

Moore’s journey from a welder to West Virginia’s 25th State Treasurer exemplifies his dedication to public service and conservative values. With a background in Government and International Politics from George Mason University and a Master’s Degree in Strategic Security Studies from the National Defense University, Moore brings a unique blend of academic knowledge and real-world experience to the table.

As a former national security advisor to the Foreign Affairs Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives and a contractor with the Department of Homeland Security, Moore has deep insights into critical national issues. During his tenure in the West Virginia House of Delegates, Moore sponsored legislation to protect individual freedoms and improve the state’s business climate, showcasing his commitment to serving the people of West Virginia.

“In these critical times, West Virginia needs a strong voice in Congress who will stand up for our conservative values and fight for our interests,” says Matthew Parker, executive director of Conservative Policy Action. “Riley Moore has a proven track record of defending individual freedoms, promoting economic growth and putting West Virginia first. His dedication to accountability and making government work for the people aligns perfectly with the mission of Conservative Policy Action.”

Now, more than ever, West Virginia needs a strong voice in Congress to advocate for its interests and values.

Conservative Policy Action urges all West Virginians to support Riley Moore in his bid for Congress. Moore’s proven leadership, tireless advocacy for conservative principles and his unwavering commitment to the people of West Virginia make him the clear choice to represent West Virginia in Congress.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Matthew Parker


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